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As of 2018, about 75,000 people still live in Gary, Indiana. But the town is struggling to stay alive. Jobs at Gary Works almost 50 years after the first layoffs in the 1970s are still being cut, and about 36 percent of Gary residents live in poverty.
Gary, Indiana is not a suburb of Chicago. It is its own city, located about 25 miles southeast of Chicago.
The major cities of Northern Indiana are Fort Wayne (in the northeast), South Bend (in the north central region), and Hammond and Gary located in the extreme northwest along Lake Michigan.
Northwest Indiana, nicknamed The Region after the Calumet Region, comprises Lake, Porter, LaPorte, and Newton counties in Indiana. This region neighbors Lake Michigan and is part of the Chicago metropolitan area.
In 2021, the median household income of Gary households was $34,085. Gary households made slightly more than Spencer households ($34,063) and Carthage households ($33,920) . However, 27.1% of Gary families live in poverty.

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Gary, city, Lake county, extreme northwest Indiana, U.S. It lies at the southern end of Lake Michigan, east of Chicago. In 1906 the townnamed for Elbert H. Gary, chief organizer of the United States Steel Corporationwas laid out as an adjunct of the companys vast new manufacturing complex.
In addition to its large steel mills, the city is known for being the birthplace of the Jackson family, a family of well-known entertainers whose members include singer Michael Jackson.
Gary, city, Lake county, extreme northwest Indiana, U.S. It lies at the southern end of Lake Michigan, east of Chicago.

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