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The Pitman Theatre in Gadsden opened in 1947 with the film Slave Girl starring Yvonne De Carlo.
Originally opened in May 1926, the Broadway operated as a fully equipped movie and vaudeville theater with 1,090 seats, including the balcony and eight boxes.
Originally opened in May 1926, the Broadway operated as a fully equipped movie and vaudeville theater with 1,090 seats, including the balcony and eight boxes. The opulent New Jersey theatre was created in a French Revival motif by the Philadelphia firm of Eberhard, Magaziner, and Harris.
The Lyceum and the New Amsterdam are the oldest theaters on Broadway; the Lyceum, built in 1903, has the further distinction of being the oldest continually operating theater and the first to obtain landmark status.
The first Broadway musical was in 1866. It was a show called The Black Crook that popularized musicals on Broadway.
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Website. The Helen Hayes opened in 1912 as the Little Theatre, designed by Ingalls Hoffman for producer Winthrop Ames. Intimately sized with just 299 seats, it was later expanded to seat 597, though it remains the smallest Broadway theatre.

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