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Because California law views both spouses as one party rather than two, marital assets and debts are split 50/50 between the couple, unless they can agree on another arrangement.
During your marriage, you probably made financial decisions based on your combined incomeand so did your wife. As a result, when the time comes to divorce, the two of you must divide your assets and shared debts equitably.
The biggest difference between separation and divorce is that a separation leaves a marriage legally intact while a divorce terminates the marriage. Divorce is permanent, and a divorce order is extremely difficult to appeal.
Separation can allow you to tackle various aspects of the divorce process, such as establishing a child custody arrangement and dividing marital property, more calmly. Without court fees and timelines hovering over their heads, spouses may find navigating these legal disputes docHubly easier during separation.
If you dont see any financial benefit from a legal separation and are certain you want to end your marriage, it might be best to go straight to a divorce. Otherwise, youll spend time and money getting a legal separation only to have to go through the process all over again to get a divorce.
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But if you dont want to end up like those couples, then here are the things which you should not do during a separation. First, what to do. Dont Deny your Partner some Time with your Kids. Never Rush into a New Relationship. Never Publicize your Separation. Never Badmouth your Ex. Ending it With Bad Blood.
How to Financially Protect Yourself in a Divorce Legally establish the separation/divorce. Get a copy of your credit report and monitor activity. Separate debt to financially protect your assets. Move half of joint bank balances to a separate account. Comb through your assets. Conduct a cash flow analysis.
Is Dating ok during a separation? As long as you are living apart, and abide by any legal agreements, dating while separated is legal. However, dating while separated may have emotional implications that may impact the quality of life for your entire family for years to come.
In a joint property, what property rights do divorced women have? If the property is registered as a joint property of a couple that is getting married, the wife will be entitled to claim it after the divorce process. The court will award him his portion based on his contribution to the property.
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