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Foreign Address Formats are the accepted mailing address formats of countries outside of the US. There is no overarching authority that determines all foreign address formats. Instead, each country's postal authority determines their own standard address format.
Addresses consist of: The recipient's first and last name. Street number and name (address line 1) Apartment or unit and its number (address line 2) City, state and zip code (include all of this on one line with a comma between city and state, but not zip code) Country.
Forms of address usually fall into four categories: Letter Address, Salutation, Spoken Greeting and Formal Introduction.
The country line is at the bottom. The postal code goes in the City Line, not the Country Line, on the left or right according to the standard of the destination country.
Use no more than 5 lines including: Addressee's name. Street address or P.O. box number (USPS International Mail will ship to P.O. boxes.) City or town, principal subdivision such as province, state, or county, and postal code. In some countries, the postal code may precede the city or town. Country name.
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People also ask

Envelopes: Write your address (the "return" or "sender" address) in the top left corner (and put "USA" on the last line). Write the delivery address in the center (near the bottom). Put the destination country's name (in English) on the last line.
Apartment or suite number. Full street address. City, State, and ZIP+4 Code. USA....Write Delivery Address Recipient's full name or company name. Full street address. City, Subdivision (like province, state, county), and Postal Code. Country.
International addresses should have the following information: The addressee (first line) Delivery address (second line) Municipality name, state or province, and postal or ZIP Code (third line) Country name (fourth line)
This includes your full name, your street address, your city, state, zip code and country of origin. Address: Address letter as you would in the receiving country with country name at the bottom.
Address format In much of Europe, the code precedes the town name, thus: "1010 Lausanne". Sometimes, the ISO 3166 country code is placed in front of the postal code: "CH-1010 Lausanne". If a house number is provided, it is written on the same line as the street name; a house name is written on the previous line.

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