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There is no legal requirement to carry out appraisals, but most employers have a yearly or twice-yearly review process. Appraisals are often used to determine whether targets have been achieved and make decisions about future work. Another reason for appraisals is to discuss career plans.
The principal purpose of the performance evaluation is to provide two-way communication between a supervisor and an employee about the individual's work performance and to establish goals for the upcoming year. Performance evaluation also may provide a basis for salary changes, promotions, or other changes.
The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) does not require performance evaluations. Performance evaluations are generally a matter of agreement between an employer and employee (or the employee's representative).
Summary. Generally, California law does not restrict private communications involving opinions, such as performance appraisals, particularly when those communications are truthful, reasonable, businesslike, and kept confidential between management and the employee.
The Civil Service Reform Act of 1978 set new standards for performance evaluation. Although these standards related only to public sector employees, the Reform Act began an important trend toward making certain performance evaluations were legal.
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People also ask

Performance standards should be objective, measurable, realistic, and stated clearly in writing (or otherwise recorded). The standards should be written in terms of specific measurers that will be used to appraise performance.
There is no legal requirement to carry out appraisals, but most employers have a yearly or twice-yearly review process. Appraisals are often used to determine whether targets have been achieved and make decisions about future work. Another reason for appraisals is to discuss career plans.
Performance reviews are not strictly required by law and some employers may choose not to have a formal process of appraisal at all or may use some alternative to the classic yearly 'sit down' approach.
The manager should debrief with HR about the discussion, let them know what happened and what the employee has decided to do. Once the employee rebuttal is received, it will be necessary to have a follow-up meeting to address the employee's concerns.
Maintain respect If your employees already know you disagree, it's okay to say, \u201cThis isn't the choice I would have made, but let's try to implement this change to the best of our abilities. We can always suggest adjustments that will make this work better than we think right now.\u201d

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