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This time limit is called the statute of limitations. You have only one year from the date of a workplace accident to file a claim for compensation in Arizona. Failure to file once the deadline expires could mean that you forfeit your right to seek the benefits you need and deserve.
If you truly are an independent contractor, then you won't be eligible for workers' compensation coverage. In Arizona, employers aren't required to purchase coverage for independent contractors. That said, many employers intentionally misclassify employees as contractors to cut costs and avoid paying benefits.
In Arizona, you are eligible for workers' compensation benefits if you've been hurt on the job. These benefits include compensation for medical treatment, travel expenses, and lost wages.
A claim is made either by filling out and signing a Worker's and Physician's Report of Injury at the doctor's office or by obtaining a Worker's Report of Injury (use download link directly above to obtain report form) from the ICA, and filing either report with the ICA. Both of these reports constitute a "claim form."
In Arizona, workers' comp covers all medical expenses to heal the work-related injury or illness. It can also provide some of the missed wages when injured workers need time off to recover. Coverage requirements in Arizona say you must provide workers' comp for full-time and part-time workers.
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Additional Contacts D. Alan EverettCommissionerJames Ashley (602) 542-4411DirectorJason Porter (602) 542-4411Deputy DirectorTrevor Laky (602) 542-4411Legislative Affairs Chief & Public Information OfficerMelissa Smith (602) 542-3397Ombudsman4 more rows
Workers' comp benefits Lost time benefits are two thirds of your monthly income and determined by your earnings the month before you got sick or injured. Arizona has a maximum monthly benefit of $4,521.92 per month.
Since 1909, the International Claim Association (ICA) has been the premier organization connecting and empowering our members in the life, health, and disability claim fields.
Working shareholders who are not executive officers and who own 50% or more of the business stock are automatically excluded from coverage. They may elect to be included on the 130 Form. If a shareholder owns less than 50% of the business, and they are not an executive officer, they are treated as employees.
Under Arizona law, it is mandatory for employers to secure workers' compensation insurance for their employees. Workers' compensation is a \u201cno fault\u201d system in which an injured employee is entitled to receive benefits for an industrial injury, no matter who caused the job-related accident.

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