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How to quickly redact Indiana state form 52802 online

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2018 4.8 Satisfied (173 Votes)
2011 4.3 Satisfied (100 Votes)
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Indiana's Child Protective Services (CPS), protects Indiana's children from further abuse or neglect and prevents, remedies, or assists in solving problems that may result in abuse, neglect, exploitation, or delinquency of children.
CPS can investigate reports, even if they are false. Mandated reporters are required to report any suspected child abuse. It is illegal for them not to do so. Mandated reporters include doctors, lawyers and therapists. Of course, other people can make reports as well.
DCS policy dictates that, depending on the severity of the allegations, an investigation will begin as soon as within 1 hour or up to a maximum of five days of the report of abuse or neglect.
The average Indiana expungement takes approximately four to six months. While that is the average timeframe, some expungements will be completed more quickly and some will take longer, depending on the facts of the case, whether the DA agrees or objects, and the age of the case, etc.
Mission The Indiana DCS leads the state's response to allegations of child abuse and neglect and facilitates child support payments. We consider the needs and values of all we serve in our efforts to protect children while keeping families together whenever possible.
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People also ask

CPS cannot enter your home without your permission. Although CPS can show up to your home without notice, they cannot enter without your consent. Unless CPS has a court order, or they believe your child is in immediate danger, they can't enter your home unless you say it's okay.
Parents Rights When Dealing with DCS in Indiana The right to have a detention hearing held by a court within 48 hours after the child's removal from the home, and the right to request the return of the child at such hearing. Right to be represented by an attorney at each court proceeding on the CHINS petition.
Indiana law § 35-46-1-4 considers a person to have neglected a dependent under the age of 17 if they knowingly or intentionally put the dependent in a situation that endangers the child's life, abandons or cruelly confines the dependent, or deprives the dependent of an education as prescribed by the law.
Right to be represented by an attorney at each court proceeding on the CHINS petition. The right to cross-examine witnesses at each court proceeding on the CHINS petition. The right to present evidence on your own behalf at each court proceeding on the CHINS petition. Right not to make incriminating statements.
You should never let a CPS worker into your home until you are positive they have a court order or warrant. Letting the official into your home waives the protections afforded to you by the Fourth Amendment.

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