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A refugee claimant does not have to pay a fee for a work permit.
You can make a claim for refugee protection at any port of entry when you arrive in Canada. This means an airport, seaport or land border. A border services officer will ask you to complete the required application forms when you arrive. Normally, youll complete the forms at the port of entry.
Immigration Division 385 Rexdale Blvd. You may email the regional office at IRB.TorontoID-SIToronto.CISR@irb-cisr.gc.ca if you include your file number (starting with 0003-) in the Subject line.
Instructions on How to Submit Documents Electronically to the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (IRB) Sign up with the IRB for access. Register with the epost Connect service (through the email you will receive from the IRB) Submit your documents through epost Connect.
To upload the documents in your account, follow these steps: Sign in to your IRCC Portal account. Scroll down to the View the applications you submitted section of your account screen. Click the Check full application status link. On the Application status screen, click the How to submit additional documents link.
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Make a photocopy of your document package. You will keep a copy, and submit the other to the RPD . You can submit the document package to the RPD yourself, or you can send it by courier to the regional office that is handling your claim. If you have fewer than 20 pages in total, you can also send the package by fax.
The Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (IRB) is Canadas largest independent administrative tribunal. It is responsible for making well-reasoned decisions on immigration and refugee matters, efficiently, fairly and in ance with the law.
The RPCD is a secure document issued to refugee claimants. It serves as an identification document that claimants use to access the Interim Federal Health Program and other services in Canada.