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The State of Illinois Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) must license all daycare centers that are licensed by the City of Chicago, a City license is required first. Home based day care centers are only licensed by the State of Illinois and do not require a City license.
The parent must apply for and be found eligible for child care assistance in order for IDHS to pay for services. The provider must review the application before it is submitted and agree to the points listed and sign the Provider Certification section of the Child Care Application.
Licensed and License Exempt Child Care Arrangements The CCAP will only allow a license-exempt home to care for three children, including the providers own children, during a day unless all of the children are from the same household.
The application process takes about 4 months. It will take longer if there are out-of-state background checks. You may get a 2-month permit while your application is being processed. Once you are granted a license, you must notify DCFS if you move.
Must be at least 19 and have a high school diploma or equivalency certificate (GED) and 60 semester hours of credit from an accredited college or university, including 6 semester hours in courses directly related to child care and/or child development (birth to 6 years) or 1 year (1560 clock hours) child development
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La gente también pregunta

You get a daycare license from the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services. There is no test. DCFS has forms that you fill out. They inspect your home when you apply.You must have the following: CPR certificate. Fire extinguisher. Flashlight. Smoke detector. First aid kit. Phone.
Proof of at least 15 hours of required pre-service training on specific topics. Illinois Gateways Registry membership. Proof of liability insurance (group day care homes only) Proof of 6 hours of college coursework in early childhood or child development (group day care homes only)
To request an application, redetermination, provider change, or change of information, click here.Forms Mail. Email to ccrs@illinois.edu. Fax - 217-333-2147. Drop off - Our offices are currently closed. Please use the drop box on the front door of Bevier Hall off of Goodwin Avenue.

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