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What Forms W-4 do I now have to submit to the IRS? A1: Employers are no longer required to routinely submit Forms W-4 to the IRS. However, in certain circumstances, the IRS may direct you to submit copies of Forms W-4 for certain employees in order to ensure that the employees have adequate withholding.
The only exceptions to this filing requirement are for seasonal employers who dont pay employee wages during one or more quarters, employers of household employees and employers of agricultural employees.
What Does It Mean to Be Exempt From Federal Tax Withholding? When you file as exempt from federal withholding, the government will stop withholding federal income taxes from your paychecks. However, you cant claim exempt status just because you feel like it.
Form W-4 tells you, as the employer, the employees filing status, multiple jobs adjustments, amount of credits, amount of other income, amount of deductions, and any additional amount to withhold from each paycheck to use to compute the amount of federal income tax to deduct and withhold from the employees pay.
A W-4 is filled out by the employee when the employee accepts a new job or at any time after that when the employee wants to change filing status or withholding allowances. A W-2 is filled out by the employer at the end of each tax year for the employee and is a statement of income and withholdings for that tax year.
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If you are exempt from withholding, you are exempt from federal withholding for income tax. This means you dont make any federal income tax payments during the year. You need to indicate this on your W-4.
Form W-4 tells you, as the employer, the employees filing status, multiple jobs adjustments, amount of credits, amount of other income, amount of deductions, and any additional amount to withhold from each paycheck to use to compute the amount of federal income tax to deduct and withhold from the employees pay.
If you are an employee, your employer probably withholds income tax from your pay. Tax may also be withheld from certain other income including pensions, bonuses, commissions, and gambling winnings.
Q13: What if I dont want to submit a Form W-4 to my employer? A13: Your employer is required to withhold income tax from your wages as if you are single with zero allowances if you do not submit a Form W-4.
If you do not fill out a new W-4, you employer will definitely still give you a paycheck but will also withhold income taxes at the highest rate for single filers, with no other adjustments.

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