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You will be eligible if the crime has been committed in the past two years, and if it was reported to the police as soon as possible. It doesnt matter whether the offender has been caught, but there are other rules which affect your chances of getting any money.
Victim compensation programs will often pay for the following expenses after a crime has occurred: Medical or dental costs. Counseling. Lost wages. Loss of support to a surviving spouse, child, or other dependents. Funeral or burial expenses in cases of homicide.
They offer specialist advice and help to people targeted with violence, abuse or harassment because of their race, religion, disability, sexuality or gender identity. It focuses on working with people in the highest levels of risk, impact and need.
The Criminal Injuries Compensation Board (CICB) is a remedial body designed to provide aid and assistance to victims of crime in Maryland. Our statutory authority shall be construed in all circumstances to remedy the harm to the victim and in favor of eligibility for the victim or claimant.
You usually have to be unable to work or have very limited ability to work for 28 weeks or longer to be eligible. You will not be paid loss of earnings for the first 28 weeks you were unable to work. You must have been employed when the crime happened or for the 3 years immediately before it.

La gente también pregunta

For victims of unjust imprisonment or detention, the compensation shall be based on the number of months of imprisonment or detention and every fraction thereof shall be considered one month; Provided, however, That in no case shall such compensation exceed One Thousand pesos (P1,000.00) per month.

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