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In either event, pursuant to Labor Code 4601, if the Employee so requests, the employer shall tender the Employee one change of physician. The Employee may, after notification of the Countys Workers Compensation Administrator, continue treatment for the injury with a physician of the Employees own choosing.
Download Form. This is a form that was created by the Division of Workers Compensation, consistent with Labor Code Section 4600(d), to allow an injured worker to predesignate a physician prior to an industrial injury. The form itself lists the requirements to be able to predesignate a physician.
Personal physician means the physician indicated on the patients medical record as being responsible for the medical care of that patient; Sample 1Sample 2Sample 3.
Pre-designation of a Physician If you are injured at work, you are required to seek treatment at a designated medical facility. If you pre-designate a physician, you will have to seek treatment through a designated medical facility until we receive documentation of the physicians agreement to be pre-designated.
(e) (1) When at the request of the employer, the employers insurer, the administrative director, the appeals board, or a workers compensation administrative law judge, the employee submits to examination by a physician, the employee is entitled to receive, in addition to all other benefits herein provided, all
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This is a form that was created by the Division of Workers Compensation, consistent with Labor Code Section 4600(d), to allow an injured worker to predesignate a physician prior to an industrial injury. The form itself lists the requirements to be able to predesignate a physician.
Permanent indemnity evaluation (Labor Code 4061): Labor Code 4061 is utilized to obtain a comprehensive medical legal evaluator in order to determine permanent indemnity issues or the need for future medical treatment (not used for an employee to object to a UR decision pursuant to LC section 4610).
Section 4654. 4654. If the injury causes temporary partial disability, the disability payment is two-thirds of the weekly loss in wages during the period of such disability.

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