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¿Tienes alguna pregunta?

Tenemos respuestas a las preguntas más frecuentes de nuestros clientes. Si no encuentras respuesta a tu pregunta, ponte en contacto con nosotros.
If you receive a denial and are requesting an appeal, youll request a medical appeal. You can call us, fax or mail your information. Call: 1-800-245-1206 (TTY: 711), 7 days a week, 8 AM to 8 PM.
Grievance: Concerns that do not involve an initial determination (i.e. Accessibility/Timeliness of appointments, Quality of Service, MA Staff, etc.) Appeal: Written disputes or concerns about initial determinations; primarily concerns related to denial of services or payment for services.
A request for your health insurance company or the Health Insurance Marketplace to review a decision that denies a benefit or payment.
You must submit provider appeals within 60 days from the date of notification of claim denial unless otherwise specified within the provider contract. Please note: An inquiry does not extend or suspend the timely filing requirement.
Nonetheless, all too often Aetna delays and denies claims by citing seemingly mundane reasons, leaving policyholders with huge medical debts that they have to pay for out-of-pocket. Even if they accept a claim, health insurers such as Aetna are notorious for offering lowball settlements on health insurance claims.
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La gente también pregunta

An insurance claim dispute happens when a policyholder and the insurance company cannot agree on a settlement. The disagreement could arise as a result of the insurance company refusing to pay a settlement, offering to pay less than what the policyholder claims, or delaying payment without an explanation.
An appeal often comes after a legal dispute has been resolved. If one of the parties believes that the judge, juries, or lawyers made a mistake that resulted in the wrong court results, they can file an appeal.
Claims can be managed. Disputes can be resolved.
Within 45 business days of receiving the request, depending on the matter in question, and if review by a specialty unit is needed. Submit online and check the status through your secure provider website.
You or your doctor may ask for an expedited appeal. Call the toll-free number on your Member ID card or the number on the claim denial letter. If your plan has one level of appeal, well tell you our decision no later than 72 hours after we get your request for review.

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