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The average blower door test result depends largely upon the age of the home, the insulation levels, and the age of the windows and doors. Generally, a new home should test less than 3.5 ACH50, as the insulation levels and efficiency of the windows/doors would make for a fairly airtight home.
The blower door equipment has a gauge to indicate when this pressure has been achieved, as well as a gauge to indicate the cubic feet per minute (CFM), which is the standard unit of measure for air flow.
Preparing your home for a blower door test doesnt require much work on your part: Step 1: Close all windows. Step 2: Open all interior doors. Step 3: Close all exterior doors. Step 4: Turn off thermostats, air conditioners and fans. Step 5: Prepare the fireplace.
If you want to pass the blower door test, most experts recommend brushing up on air barrier performance requirements and air sealing techniques. A word of caution: To bone up on building science, make sure you read material that is written by experts rather than relying on articles at random on the Internet.
It is completely safe to be home during a blower door test. The blower door test helps us to identify areas of air infiltration by simulating a 2025 mph wind blowing against the outside of the house.
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La gente también pregunta

If you want to pass the blower door test, most experts recommend brushing up on air barrier performance requirements and air sealing techniques. A word of caution: To bone up on building science, make sure you read material that is written by experts rather than relying on articles at random on the Internet.
To calculate the ACH50 from the CFM50 given by the blower door we need to know the volume of the building. Multiply the flow by 60 to convert to hours, then divide by the volume. (ACH50 = airflow (CFM50) X 60 / conditioned volume) If the number is under 7 then it is a pass.
Passing Your Blower Door Test Have an airsealing plan BEFORE you start construction. Make sure your sub-contractors are on board with the airsealing plan and are willing to seal all their penetrations. Make sure all major penetrations are properly sealed.

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