DocHub for OneDrive

Do more in OneDrive with DocHub. Import and export files, edit, annotate, sign, and share documents and create fillable forms - all from your OneDrive account.
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Edit PDFs

Connect to OneDrive for easy file transfers

Import files stored in your OneDrive account to DocHub. After you've made all edits, easily export your documents right back to OneDrive.

Connect DocHub

Edit and annotate PDFs from OneDrive

Add text, drawings, and highlights. Redact or white out text and leave comments anywhere on your document. It's that easy with DocHub.

Sign eSignatures

Sign and send OneDrive documents for signing

Take files from OneDrive, add your signature in a click, or request and collect signatures from others in minutes.

Build PDF forms

Create fillable forms and templates

Turn any PDF stored in OneDrive into a fillable form or reusable template. Then, quickly share it with others via URL or email.

Streamline eSignature workflows

Extend the power of DocHub's eSignatures to your OneDrive documents. Get them signed in minutes, in any order, with instant status alerts.

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Collaborate effectively

Enable your team to seamlessly work on documents from OneDrive using specific access permissions, comments, and status tracking.

Maintain security and compliance

With DocHub's two-factor authentication, encrypted folders, and regulatory compliances, your sensitive documents are secured.

Maximize efficiency

Boost productivity with DocHub's PDF editor, eSignatures, fillable forms, and reusable templates, accessible from your OneDrive account.

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Connect your favorite apps to DocHub

Get started for free

Got questions?

Below are some common questions from our customers that may provide you with the answer you're looking for. If you can't find an answer to your question, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.
Contact us
DocHub integration with OneDrive allows you to quickly and efficiently work on, export, and import documents in OneDrive. All you need to have is a OneDrive and a DocHub account to synchronize them and start working immediately. The setup is straightforward and doesn’t require anything else to integrate OneDrive storage into your DocHub working space.
  1. Go to your documents dashboard and choose the file you want to save and export.
  2. Click on the OneDrive icon and export documents to OneDrive with DocHub edited files.
DocHub integration for OneDrive provides you with a plethora of PDF editing tools essential for your studies, business, or individual needs. Use it to:
  • Edit and annotate PDFs from OneDrive
  • Sign and send documents
  • Create fillable forms and templates
Start your free DocHub account today to discover all the features and opportunities available to you. Edit, sign, and share your documents without switching from your OneDrive storage and save a ton of time on your daily document management activities.
Working and collaborating on your documents with efficient PDF editing tools saves time and removes any mistakes that can happen when manually transferring your data. With DocHub integration, never miss an essential document or forget to save changes to your PDF file.
Yes. All your data is protected with encryption and the highest standards of safety provided by DocHub. Using DocHub integration with OneDrive may be one of the safest ways to work on your documents.