DocHub for Microsoft Edge

Stay productive while browsing the web with the DocHub for Microsoft Edge extension. Open any PDF straight from your Edge browser in DocHub, tweak it to perfection, fill it out, and sign and share it with others.
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Edit and annotate your PDF

Easily open and edit PDFs from your Edge browser. Add text, images, drawings, comments, and highlights to your document. Swipe your cursor to white out, underline, or strike out text.

Edit PDFs

Organize PDFs with ease

Enhance your PDF directly from Edge. Easily remove unneeded pages, insert new ones, correct misoriented pages, or rearrange them with a quick drag and drop to make your PDF cohesive.

Sign eSignatures

Sign, request, and track signatures

eSign documents right from your Edge browser. Choose your preferred method to add a legally-binding eSignature and request signatures from others in a specific order or all at once and track them in real time.

Build PDF forms

Create and share PDF forms and templates

Turn any PDF into a fillable form straight from your Edge browser. Add signature or data fields and convert it into a reusable template if needed. You can make it public, set editing permissions, or share it with recipients. It's as simple as that.

Build PDF forms

Export or download PDF

Once finalized, you can export your PDF to the cloud storage service of your choice, store it securely in DocHub, or download it to your device. If you need a physical copy of your PDF, print it out from DocHub with a single click.

Stay connected with your team

Boost team productivity. Open a PDF from Edge, add comments, and share PDFs with specific permissions for others to view or edit.

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Get more work done

Experience PDF editing, eSigning, and form creation on Edge. Create documents, collect data and signatures while web browsing.

Ensure document security

Secure PDFs in Edge with DocHub's encryption and two-factor authentication while complying with data security regulations.

Seal the deal from anywhere

No more chasing contracts. Sign a PDF yourself or invite others to sign it in any order. Track signatures with real-time alerts.

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Get more documents done while browsing with the DocHub for Microsoft Edge extension

Get it on Microsoft Store

Got questions?

Below are some common questions from our customers that may provide you with the answer you're looking for. If you can't find an answer to your question, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.
Contact us
DocHub for Microsoft Edge is an extension that allows you to edit, annotate, sign, and share PDFs directly from your browser. It seamlessly integrates with Edge to enhance productivity by enabling document workflows within your browsing experience.
With the DocHub for Microsoft Edge extension, you can easily open and edit PDFs from your browser. You can add text, images, comments, highlights, and even white-out, underline, or strike-out text for a perfect document.
Yes, DocHub for Microsoft Edge allows you to eSign documents directly from your browser. You can add a legally-binding eSignature and even request and track signatures from others in real time.
The DocHub for Microsoft Edge extension lets you transform any PDF into a fillable form. You can add signature or data fields, convert it into a reusable template, set editing permissions, and share it with recipients — all from your Edge browser.
Yes, DocHub for Microsoft Edge uses bank-level security to protect documents. It employs robust measures such as PDF encryption and two-factor authentication to safeguard your valuable files and ensure compliance with stringent data security regulations.