DocHub for Google Drive

Use DocHub to securely import, edit, annotate, and sign PDFs right from Google Drive. It's the easiest way to get your documents done.
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Edit PDFs

Quickly import Google Drive files

Connect to Google Drive and then import your files from Google Drive in a single click without leaving DocHub.

Connect DocHub

Edit and annotate PDFs

Use DocHub PDF tools to tweak your document to perfection. Type, erase, redact and highlight text. Draw, leave comments, manage pages, and add legally-binding eSignatures.

Sign eSignatures

Create PDF forms and templates

Take a static PDF from your Google Drive and turn it into a fillable form or create a reusable template. Complete it yourself or share it with others via email or public link.

Build PDF forms

eSign PDFs and collect eSignatures

No more printing and scanning page after page. Easily eSign your Google Drive docs or request signatures from multiple people, all at once or in a role-based order.

Build PDF forms

Export and safely store your files in Google Drive

Once you've completed a document with DocHub, save the original PDF or a duplicate file back to Google Drive.

Streamline routine document workflows

Easily customize documents stored in Google Drive or turn them into reusable templates for quick distribution and data collection.

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Improve teamwork

Collaborate on Google Drive documents by allowing others to edit or view them while staying in the loop with real-time notifications.

Ensure document security

Use DocHub password protection, end-to-end encryption, and two-factor authentication to securely work with documents stored in Google Drive.

Do business faster from anywhere

Storing contracts in Google Drive? DocHub's legally-binding eSignatures take them from stored to signed in minutes.

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Simplify your document workflows within the Google ecosystem

Use DocHub to edit, annotate, sign, and share documents right from your favorite Google Apps
Install from Google Workspace Marketplace

Got questions?

Below are some common questions from our customers that may provide you with the answer you're looking for. If you can't find an answer to your question, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.
Contact us
The DocHub integration with GoogleDrive is the most convenient way to prepare and manage paperwork online in your Google workspace. It enables users to get quick access to comprehensive PDF editing tools embedded into their Google Apps kit, so they can prepare, modify, sign, and share documents without switching between tabs and windows.
The Google Drive - DocHub integration is very straightforward to set up. Find DocHub in the Google Workspace Marketplace and click to install it. Follow the pop-up instructions to connect your accounts and grant all the necessary permissions. Once done, you’ll be able to edit any paperwork in your Drive at any time in just a few clicks.
DocHub for Google Drive provides users access to all PDF editing and managing capabilities available within their pricing plan. You can check the list of features for each plan here.
After you integrate DocHub with Google Drive, open the document that needs to be modified in the editor. You can do this in two ways:
  • Right-click on the file and select Open with ⇒ DocHub PDF Sign and Edit
  • Go to the Google Apps menu in the top right corner of your Drive, select New Document ⇒ import from Google Drive.
In the editor, use the top toolbar to add and redact text, insert images, comments, and eSignatures, or drop fillable fields using the Manage Fields options.
There’s no special charge for this software integration. You can set up DocHub for Google Drive for free and utilize it according to your pre-selected DocHub pricing plan.