DocHub for Gmail

Create time-saving document workflows that run directly from Gmail messages. No need to download attachments or switch between apps. With DocHub, you can edit, sign, and send documents without leaving your inbox.
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Edit PDFs

Import email attachment to DocHub

Add the DocHub extension to Chrome and open a Gmail attachment in DocHub with a single click. No need to move documents back and forth between Gmail and DocHub.

Connect DocHub

Edit and annotate documents from Gmail

Use DocHub's PDF editing and annotation tools to customize your document. Add text, images, drawings, and highlights. Erase or white out information and leave comments.

Sign eSignatures

Fill out PDF forms from Gmail messages

Fill out a PDF form straight from your Gmail inbox or send it out to be completed. Add fillable fields for checkboxes, text, initials, signatures, and more.

Build PDF forms

Sign and send Gmail attachments

Add legally-binding eSignatures or collect signatures from others all at once or in a specific order. Once completed, get email notifications with copies of your signed documents attached.

Build PDF forms

Create a reply email from DocHub

Use DocHub to reply to emails with your edited documents attached or to save an email as a draft, all without ever leaving your Gmail inbox.

Do more in less time

No need to switch between apps, print, or scan documents. Edit, annotate, or fill them out directly from your Gmail inbox.

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Simplify collaboration

Collaborate on documents within Gmail. Set access permissions so shared documents can be viewed, edited, or signed by the right people.

Ensure a secure workflow

Keep your documents from Gmail attachments secure with two-factor authentication, password protection, and encrypted folders.

Sign documents online directly from Gmail

No more waiting for signatures. Sign a Gmail attachment or get it signed by others while email notifications keep you in the loop.

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Connect DocHub document workflows to Gmail

Edit, sign, and share documents directly from Gmail attachments.
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Got questions?

Below are some common questions from our customers that may provide you with the answer you're looking for. If you can't find an answer to your question, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.
Contact us
DocHub Chrome Extension for Gmail enables users to make the most of what Gmail has to offer by natively integrating Gmail accounts with DocHub’s core functionality. With the help of this extension, you can reduce the cumbersome process of switching between programs and make editing and eSigning documents easier.
Here’s how you can add the DocHub Chrome Extension to your Gmail account.
  1. Open an email that includes the document you’d like to edit or sign.
  2. On the top of the document, select Open with → Connect more apps.
  3. Type in DocHub in the search box and select to install the extension.
  4. Connect your Gmail account with your DocHub account.
  5. Open the attachment in the DocHub editor to edit and sign it.
  6. Save the file and send it to the recipient.
DocHub Chrome Extension for Gmail is free of charge, regardless of the DocHub plan you use. However, if you want to receive enhanced functionality, you may want to upgrade your plan to Premium and take advantage of unlimited signing, sending, and editing capabilities. Please navigate to the Pricing page to find more information.
Yes, once your attachment is opened in the DocHub editor, all the essential features for tweaking, polishing, customizing, and signing your documents will be immediately available to you. Please note that the extent to which you can use these features depends on your plan: Free or Premium. Make the most out of DocHub Chrome Extension for Gmail!
Yes, DocHub Chrome Extension for Gmail is the only extension you can use to sign, edit, and send documents. However, you can also take advantage of the DocHub native integrations with Box, Dropbox, OneDrive, Google Classroom, and more. They’ll help you facilitate your document-based processes.