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menstruation hygiene day is this weekend but do you know that about a half billion administrators in the world actually canamp;#39;t afford period products itamp;#39;s called period poverty in order to tackle the problem and make these products more affordable dozens of countries have removed or reduced attacks on them often called a tampon tax is it working some countries have seen Factory results for example in the UK the five percent tampon tax was removed in January 2021 but the average price of female hygiene products only lowered slightly after the policy change ing to one nonprofit at least 80 percent of the savings are retained by retailers instead of being passed on to consumers in Mexico things played out a little bit differently the country removed its 16 tampon tax in January 2022 and the government set up this monitoring tool to track prices and hold companies accountable although the annual inflation in the country was close to 8 in the past year the price of menstrual