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Mac OS recovery allows you to or reinstall certain operating systems on your Mac we here at tech o bowl are going to run you through the three options provided to you by Mac OS recovery before we get started be sure to subscribe to tech Abel here on YouTube and leave us a comment if there is an aspect of Macamp;#39;s or Mac products that you would like us to cover there are a few things you are going to need for this process the first is an administrator password or firmware password meeting these is contingent on if your Mac is set to need administrator access to make changes the essential component is an internet connection make sure your Mac is connected before starting this process and then if you have a macbook it is best to have it plugged in to access Mac OS recovery youamp;#39;ll want to turn on your Mac and immediately press and hold one of the following key combinations until you see a startup screen if you press and hold command R this will restore the latest OS that was i