Flaws exist in every tool for editing every file type, and although you can use a lot of solutions out there, not all of them will fit your specific requirements. DocHub makes it much simpler than ever to make and change, and manage documents - and not just in PDF format.
Every time you need to quickly wipe out fact in xls, DocHub has got you covered. You can quickly alter document elements including text and pictures, and structure. Personalize, arrange, and encrypt files, create eSignature workflows, make fillable documents for intuitive information gathering, etc. Our templates feature allows you to generate templates based on documents with which you frequently work.
In addition, you can stay connected to your go-to productivity capabilities and CRM solutions while handling your files.
One of the most extraordinary things about using DocHub is the option to deal with document activities of any complexity, regardless of whether you need a fast edit or more diligent editing. It comes with an all-in-one document editor, website form builder, and workflow-centered capabilities. In addition, you can be certain that your documents will be legally binding and comply with all protection frameworks.
Cut some time off your tasks with DocHub's tools that make managing files easy.
if youamp;#39;ve ever got frustrated when Excel just refuses to recognize what is obviously a date as a date then this is the video for you Iamp;#39;ve got a load of examples of cleaning up dirty dates in Excel using functions so letamp;#39;s go hi Iamp;#39;m John qualified accountant for 25 years Excel experience and if you want better Excel results faster then make sure you hit subscribe and the bell icon so you donamp;#39;t miss any of my time saving tips and today weamp;#39;re talking about saving time and a heck of a lot of frustration cleaning up dates in Excel now typically you know when you paste information from other systems or the internet or anything like that into Excel itamp;#39;s pretty good at recognizing what it is but quite often dates are one of those things that can quite often mess up itamp;#39;s a whole load of stuff that you know itamp;#39;s pretty obvious this is dates but if I just highlight all of that data there and say I want to format has a long da