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being the biggest thing around is awesome like if youamp;#39;re a whale-like animal you can stay on the ocean floor for a really long period of time if youamp;#39;re a rocket you can launch an entire Space Station from Earth but being big comes with problems as well like cooking yourself from the inside out and Iamp;#39;m not just talking about the biggest stars unfortunately itamp;#39;s an animal problem as well for this compilation we have gathered our videos on the biggest things in the universe from natural disasters to GI Giant Crystals mass migrations to enormous comets so buckle up for the biggest sow video ever about 15 years ago when a mining company started pumping water out of a cave 300 M below Nika Mexico they were hoping to find lead or zinc or maybe some silver once they finished pumping the water out though they realized that they werenamp;#39;t going to be mining anything from this cave mostly because of the giant 12 M long spikes everywhere the spikes wer