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hey everyone cody from mac telecom networks in this video im going to show you how to create a unifi captive portal with the voucher system the voucher system is used a lot in the hotel industry at weddings and banquet halls you guys are new here hit the subscribe button make sure to hit the like button if you need help with your network configuration security cameras network cabling visit us at and you can find us on instagram at mac telecom networks so the first thing that we need to do to create this guest portal with a voucher is to create a new network well go over to our networks tab click on it create new network from here im just going to name it guest portal and im going to select the purpose as guest under the vlan im just going to have vlan 111 the ip address will use 192.16811.1 24 and then well update the dhcp range and then well press save now that our network is created we need to create a new wireless network for the guest portal im j