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whats up guys jack here with mts and this is the 2022 complete unifi setup guide [Music] now if youre unfamiliar with ubiquity they use something called software-defined networking or sdn and for the sake of simplicity that basically just means that we have a central controller that manages all of our devices to create a simple management interface for all of our networking equipment which provides a single pane a single place for you to change all of your settings things get synced across devices port profiles get synced vlans everything it just makes management much easier now at the heart of any unifi network is the controller and for the controller you have a number of options you can self-host the controller on any pc mac or linux computer ubiquiti makes the software freely available for download you can also use one of their hardware appliances such as the cloud key gen 2 or the cloud key gen 2 plus at 179 and respectively but were going to be using a dream machine pro se whi