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hi Im Peter Kallstrom of Kallstrom comm business solutions team calendars is a popular subject almost every company has won almost every team needs one and they can be done in so many different ways Im gonna show you one way of doing it in Excel first of all I want to show you the building once the I go to new here and search for calendar youll find a lot of different calendar templates but I want to show you a different version than these words but if one of these fits your needs thats of course perfect and you should check them out before going down doing it manually as Im gonna do so what I want is a monthly calendar with the staff on the columns here and then I want the days on the rows so I wanna have a month template and then I wanna hack create a new one for each month and fill in the information for my staff there of course there are other ways of doing this and outlook and in planner or in SharePoint but this is just one do it yourself in Excel so first of all we want to