When you deal with diverse document types like Trip Itinerary, you know how important precision and focus on detail are. This document type has its own specific format, so it is crucial to save it with the formatting undamaged. For this reason, dealing with such paperwork can be quite a struggle for traditional text editing applications: a single wrong action may mess up the format and take extra time to bring it back to normal.
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[Music] [Applause] [Music] hi traveler as one of the best destinations bali have many interesting places to visit are you currently planning to visit bali but still havent got any idea where to go let us take you to join our tour to balis most visited places and fun things to do [Music] starting from day one will be picked up at murarai international airport by our guide and will be dropped at the hotel in kuta or lagyan area [Music] on day two we will take you to explore east bali area after having breakfast at hotel we will take you to the first destination lampuyang temple this temple is famous for its best photo spot gate of heaven [Music] next we are going to tamanujung water palace this place was built since the dutch era by king of karazhan at the time ikusti bagustelandi so no wonder this building has a combination of balinese and european architecture make it a favorite location for pre-wedding and artistic photographers [Music] our next destination is virgin beach one of t