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all right everybody this is Michael Rogers the bean counter I want to talk to you today about how to set up your own bank loan proposal theres a couple little files here if youre looking at this screen right here youve clicked on the link theres four different downloads one if you just want to get a whole PDF of what the sample looks like you can click that number download one here is the word document such as your coverage cover page table of contents and a loan request template you can use those download them and then change them up to your own need and file2 is gonna be your excel documents which includes like your financial projections your personal budget your balance sheet items and file 3 is going to be your PowerPoint document which kind of shows here are all the projects Ive done in the past what youll need to do on all the downloads files one two and three is youre gonna modify these to your own personal use the main documents gonna come to show a template but lets g