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hi there so heres the instructions on using the free map tool so just go to the website that i provided in the email scroll over to the area that you want in this case well do boston as the example and you just keep zooming in until you get into the area that you want so in this case boston and then all you do is you simply draw a lot a circle or any shape around the area you want to serve so lets just say for instance you want to serve northern boston what we do is we go here you just make these check marks lines are created and you just keep going until you have the shape you want you can take the existing little squares and you can actually pull them and spread them out as you need so if you need to jet out in a certain area you can do that and you can really morph this into any shape that you uh that you want that works for you once you have your shape uh outlined all you do is scroll down here skip theres a lot of ads on this page but skip this and just click this button righ