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oftentimes initially there is a gut response where it is you know it feels like a lot youamp;#39;re bloated maybe even crampy maybe even uncomfortable some peopleamp;#39;s reflux goes away some people get worse at first right so thereamp;#39;s a lot of gut distress initially for some people not all people um and then it adjusts is it safe to jump into a raw diet 100 absolutely itamp;#39;s safe um in fact itamp;#39;s optimal now if you jump in versus you know kind of introducing hyper nourishment and tapering uh youamp;#39;re going to have more gut issues but those whatamp;#39;s cool about it is even if your gutamp;#39;s unhappy youamp;#39;re bloated youamp;#39;re having way more bowel movements than usual uh whatever is going on there that um youamp;#39;re still going to get the benefits to your health and in fact when people do rapid recovery with me they do jump right in a lot of times going from a western diet with you know meat and dairy and processed foods to 10