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the multiplication table seems to be quite imposing after all it contains a hundred facts look at it how could any child be expected to memorize that and yet i claim that more than half the table takes no time to learn its obvious how to multiply numbers by 1 and multiply numbers by 10 and multiplying by 2 is just an easy addition problem right 6 times 2 is just like 6 plus 6 12. so if you eliminate 1 2 and 10 weve reduced the problem to memorizing a 7 by 7 table which has only 49 entries in my experience the stumbling block for students memorizing the multiplication table is learning their multiples of three and four once you know that theres really not that much more to learn i teach students their multiples of three by first counting by threes 3 6 9 12 and so on and then we do it faster and then we do it faster and eventually its 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30. then ill ask them 3 times 1 is 3 times 2 is 3 times 3 is in order so they they associate the multiplication problem with