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foreign thank you good evening this meeting of the Osseo School Board is being conducted in the boardroom at the Educational Service Center the meeting can be monitored electronically by streaming online from the district website an archived recording of tonights meeting will also be available on the district website as acting chair I declare that the organizational meeting of the Independent School District 279 School Board is called to order at six oclock P.M on Tuesday January 10th 2023 seated in front of you this evening from my left and your right are Sarah Mitchell Heather Douglas Thomas Brooks myself Jackie Mosqueda Jones Tanya Simons and Tamara Grady also present in the boardroom our superintendent Corey McIntyre and general counsel Tim palmateer those of you who can please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance director Simons will you please lead us pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible