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hi howre you doing my name is Jack price Im a professor of Civil Procedure at University of Richmond School of Law my task right now is to help you tackle any joinder problem that comes along any joinder problem you may not even know what the word joinder means thats okay joinder is unfortunate its too complicated because all it means is join but were lawyers we cant do anything as simple as it might be so we add that d joinder just means join well what are we join were joining one of two things either claims or parties so heres how it works a classic early say the most primitive lawsuit of all time one plaintiff Sues one defendant for one claim thats it things get a little more complicated right one plaintiff Sues one defendant for two claims or three claims theres a bdocHub theres a fraud theres some sort of tort involved then you might have three claims but you might have multiple defendants one plaintiff brings three claims against three separate defendants then you ha