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okay guys so the question was i applied for a credit limit increase with capital one and they deny my request should i cancel or keep the card guys i know it is extremely frustrating to be loyal to a company to make on-time payments to keep a low utilization you know to have to be well-mannered to customer service if you ever have to contact them and i know that its very frustrating to get denied a credit limit increase but should you cancel your card [Music] and see this is like this is one of them questions where its like does my opinion really matter because its like at the end of the day youre going to do what you want to do regardless right and also your reasons in your mind make sense to you right so who am i to convince you that what you feel you deserve is wrong because i say that you shouldnt stink or feel how you feel you know what i mean so i want you to take what i say think about it but then also think about how you take your what you feel matters more right right but