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so in this lecture I wanted to show you where you can get your CompTIA exam voucher and show you how to save 10% off that exam voucher by using our unique coupon code for our students now to do this you just go to store CompTIA org which is the official store for CompTIA on this site they sell certification vouchers training bundles and continuing education products but what were focused on is the voucher that you need to sit for the certification exam at the end of this course to buy your voucher simply go up to where it says certification voucher at the top and select the certification youre taking whether that CYS a project + network + security + or any CompTIA exam for this demonstration unless elect CYS a+ for cyber security analysts youll notice that there is one voucher shown here and is three hundred and forty six dollars that is the current retail price go ahead and hit on details there and then from there you can see that you have three options you have the voucher for th