There are so many document editing solutions on the market, but only a few are suitable for all file types. Some tools are, on the other hand, versatile yet burdensome to use. DocHub provides the solution to these challenges with its cloud-based editor. It offers rich capabilities that allow you to accomplish your document management tasks effectively. If you need to quickly Redo pattern in CWK, DocHub is the best choice for you!
Our process is incredibly straightforward: you import your CWK file to our editor → it instantly transforms it to an editable format → you apply all required adjustments and professionally update it. You only need a few minutes to get your paperwork ready.
Once all modifications are applied, you can transform your paperwork into a multi-usable template. You just need to go to our editor’s left-side Menu and click on Actions → Convert to Template. You’ll locate your paperwork stored in a separate folder in your Dashboard, saving you time the next time you need the same form. Try DocHub today!
in this video im going to talk about the command design pattern you can use this pattern to represent commands and have control over when theyre executed ill show you an example of how this works and then also build on top of this example and do something that a lot of non-destructive editors also have which is nice undo and redo behavior but first lets talk about the sponsor of this video skillshare skillshare is an online learning community with thousands of inspiring classes for creators explore new skills deepen existing passions and get lost in creativity skillshare has many classes on web development programming in python software engineering and software design at the moment im following frank kanes course on data science and machine learning with python its really comprehensive it contains lessons about statistics data types clustering algorithms decision trees governs libraries such as pandas basically everything you need to know in order to get started skillshare is cu