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It is very easy and secure to sign documentsdigitally with docHub. As a signer, you will receive an email notifying you that there are documentsready for you to read and sign. The email will come from our secure docHub domain. In the email, there will be links where you can easily gain access to the documents to be read andsigned or even directly reject to sign. However, if the documents have protected accessyou will need to authenticate your identity before you can gain access to the documents. Insuch cases just press on Confirm your identity. Then, choose the eID of your country toauthenticate your identity. Before signing, you will have a preview of the documents where you can readthe documents directly in your browser. But you can also view the documents in pdf form or downloadthem. There might be more than one document that needs to be signed or read, so you will need to go through them all before signing. Press on Show next document to read the next one. Once you have re