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into problem so I personally my personal take on this is just like the indonesians law do not use nominee agreement I repeat that again do not use but again I am not in a position to tell you what to do or what not to do Im here only displaying what is what its again all up to you to decide what you want to do ladies and gentlemen this is Louisa Turner from Jakarta today Ive got some hot topic to discuss with you it is nominee agreement yes ladies and gentlemen we will talk about nominee agreement and you are welcome to participate that comment section below this video is for you so drop your thought your opinion your questions if you have any first of all let me introduce myself my name Luisa turnip and I am a corporate lawyer in Indonesia a based in in Jakarta but we also travel around in Indonesias Republic territory so now without further Ado lets dive right into it so nominee agreement is a hot discussion and topic I found it also curious either or not people actually know w