Every once in a while, you need to take care of a lot less well-known file formats in your regular document routines. With DocHub, you can easily change Apple Notes to PDF without seeking third-party solutions to convert your file. Streamline your record workflows, make, adjust convert file types, and send them for authorization all in one software.
Forget complex and complicated software and obsolete online solutions to change your document efficiently and quickly. Consider DocHub’s various document managing features for you at any moment. Sign up right now and start your free trial version.
hi everyone in this video we will show you how to convert notes into PDF and iOS 16e products 16 on iPhone and iPad on your iPhone or iPad open the notes app head over to the note that you would like to turn into PDF [Music] tap on the share icon at the bottom [Music] foreign [Music] tap on the print option its worth pointing out that the moment you hit the print option the selected note is automatically converted into PDF after that you cap on the share icon and then save our shared as per your needs of course if you want to get it printed you can configure things like paper size orientation copies [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thanks for watching this video foreign