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in Excel you can create dependent drop-down lists here for example you can select a type of produce so Ill select fruit and then in this drop-down we see a list of fruit if I select vegetables the next cell shows just the list of vegetables these are based on lists on another sheet so heres the list and this is the produce category and then we have a list of fruit and you can see its name here is fruit and here is a list and thats the vegetable list so to set that up we use data validation and on these cells if I go to the data tab and click data validation we can see that were allowing a list and the list is equal to produce in this group of cells going back to data validation again were allowing a list and this time we use the function indirect and then a reference to the cell to the left which is b2 so were saying create a range based on whatever name is in cell b2 and thats what the indirect function does it creates a range reference well click OK now this works well most