If your usual documents editing platform has you wrapping your head around its user interface or searching for third-party systems with the functionality you need, it might be a sign to check out other solutions like DocHub that have each and every functionality at your fingertips. Explore multi-format document editing that makes completing any document task simple and gets the job done fast with its packed feature set and user-friendly interface.
Make document editing effortless with DocHub’s feature-rich platform. Explore more options that can elevate your overall experience with documentation.
To convert a text document to PDF in Linux using command line tools, YouTube PDF script using the G over toolset can be used. Another option is the Jew program from the jewelover package. Be cautious as large files are generated. Christoph seekhart's script and small shell scripts like dot and NBSB can also be used for automatic conversion. Synaptic package manager can be used for GUI conversion by exporting as PDF.