In case your regular documents editing solution has you wrapping your head around its interface or searching for third-party systems with the functionality you need, it may be a sign to consider other options like DocHub that have every functionality at your fingertips. Explore multi-format document editing which makes finishing any document task simple and gets the job done fast with its packed feature set and user-friendly interface.
Make document processing effortless with DocHub’s feature-rich solution. Explore more options that can elevate your overall experience with documentation.
PDF/X is a subset of the PDF iso standard designed for graphics exchange. The 2019 version of CorelDRAW now supports PDF/X4 with features like layers, transparency, and OpenType fonts. This allows easy output of files compatible with various devices and print industry standards. When publishing to PDF, choose the PDF/X preset, and adjust settings in the general tab to ensure compatibility with the latest standards. Export range is set to current document for easy file generation.