If you edit files in various formats daily, the universality of your document solution matters a lot. If your tools work for only a few of the popular formats, you may find yourself switching between application windows to join secret in csv and manage other document formats. If you want to remove the hassle of document editing, go for a platform that can effortlessly manage any extension.
With DocHub, you do not need to focus on anything but actual document editing. You won’t need to juggle applications to work with different formats. It can help you revise your csv as effortlessly as any other extension. Create csv documents, modify, and share them in a single online editing platform that saves you time and boosts your productivity. All you need to do is register a free account at DocHub, which takes only a few minutes or so.
You won’t have to become an editing multitasker with DocHub. Its functionality is enough for fast document editing, regardless of the format you need to revise. Start by registering a free account and discover how straightforward document management can be with a tool designed particularly to suit your needs.
what were going to look at it in this video is a really awesome trick of power query and this trick in perak query only got added with the februari 2017 release so if you havent yet updated your power query do go ahead to the Microsoft website and update your pair of queries to get this function so what were going to look at us as I said combining CSV files and we have a number of CSV files that we are going to combine basically we have a three stores and we have the week and this will is the Salesforce store one week one and we have decree products that they sell we have units that theyve sold and we also have the sales now you can imagine you could have multiple stores and you could have a listing of products and a lot longer than this but you can combine if all your store send you a CSV file you can combine these CSV files together very very quickly and once you set up the query its evergreen you can continuously user so lets get stuck in and have a look Im just going to clos