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hey guys my name is matthieu and in todays video we are going to create lease termination letter for this particular task im gonna use legal templates the link is underneath this video so lets click on the link and on top of our screen there is really state forms and then we click view all real estate forms we can either scroll almost all the way down in this um this web or use search engine or on the left side you see landlords home ownership and tenants and click on tenants and then we go to lees termination later now we have to pick a random random state plus minus everything is the same im gonna go with texas are you landlord or a tenant in this case im a tenant tenants name lets go with at if theres more than one tenant go with uh yes and then fill out the form for tenant or the next tenant landlords name [Music] its gonna be met address city and all the information which you could expect next address of list property what is the address of the list property this can b