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good does not become better by being exaggerated but worse and a small evil becomes a big one through being disregarded and repressed the shadow is very much a part of human nature and it is only at night that no shadows exist Curl young stressed that an individuals proper goal is wholeness not perfection the path to a greater character to a more effectual approach to life lies in integrating those elements of our psyche that for too long have been repressed and denied the elements that make up what Jung called our unconscious shadow side what is it that most people deny and repress into their shadow all that is deemed bad or immoral by society all that is frowned upon by our family or peers all the traits that when initially expressed were ridiculed shunned or met with punishment but given that no moral code is perfect and no family or peer group is ideal in adapting to the social world we not only repressed a destructive elements of our personality such as our unbridled sexuality a