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we dont usually appraise high school yearbooks here but you have a very interesting one this is from Humes high school in Memphis Tennessee 1953 and if you could tell me a little bit about how you got it well of course the annual blogs - my wife Shirley and we both graduated with Elvis Presley in 1953 and she asked him to sign her annual which was fortunate and so thats thats the story and Shirley and I of course have been married will be sixty years in September and so I not sure what else we can say about it the Elvis was a very unique individual notice thing as I tell people I got to watch him for nothing but because he had his moves even then so he was a good kid well this is a little program here from possibly the earliest performance that Elvis ever did in 1953 and it has him listed in here as the guitarist in the program of course thats one of the shows you got to see but even more amazing we have the yearbook here in that sign to you to a very sweet girl which I think it i