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[Music] well thank you all so much for joining us here for this webinar presentation on digital work paper prep with tic ti calculate this is jason bookman of cpa academy and i am happy to welcome you all into this webinar so before we get started i want to check that everything is working for all of you out in the audience make sure that everything is good with the audio and visuals so if you dont mind going over to the questions area over in the control panel on the right side of your screen let me know that you can hear my voice and that you can see the title card of the slides feel free to let us know where youre listening in from we always love knowing where you are in the audience and of course we are also checking to make sure that you can hear and that everything is working well with the technology im seeing people check in from all over the country so thank you all so much for letting me know that everything is working and of course if anyones having trouble seeing or hear