Unusual file formats within your everyday papers management and editing processes can create immediate confusion over how to edit them. You may need more than pre-installed computer software for efficient and speedy file editing. If you want to insert page in EGT or make any other simple change in your file, choose a document editor that has the features for you to work with ease. To handle all of the formats, including EGT, choosing an editor that works properly with all kinds of files will be your best option.
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Enjoy the efficiency of working with an instrument designed specifically to simplify papers processing. See how easy it really is to edit any file, even when it is the first time you have dealt with its format. Sign up an account now and improve your entire working process.
[Music] thank you for choosing harold g shavets industries the sensor connection today we will review important guidelines and considerations when installing an egt exhaust gas temperature probe please keep in mind that these guidelines are purely recommendations be sure to consult the engine manufacturer or a professional engine builder before proceeding with egt probe installation also be sure to wear safety glasses it is generally recommended to egts in the exhaust manifold about two to four inches from the cylinder head there are four main methods of egt probe installation 1 drill and tap method step 1 drill the manufacturers recommended hole size step 2 then tap the appropriate thread size step three next thread in the probes compression fitting then insert the probe into the compression fitting two weld bung and compression fitting step one drill the manufacturers recommended hole size step two then weld the bung into place [Music] step three next thread in the probe