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in an option contract the seller is the option or and the buyer is the option II remember if the O R is the give war and the EE receives the owner of the property is given an option to a buyer making the seller the option or and the buyer the option e as they are receiving the option it is a unilateral contract and that the sellers obligated to sell but the buyer has the option to buy when a buyer exercises his option it becomes a bilateral contract just like any other purchase contract the option is asdocHub to another party unless the contract forbids it and a lease option the Alessi agrees to lease the property with an option to buy the property the option is usually given for some type of consideration this could be money up front or the money can be added on to the rent amount to be applied to the purchase at a later date the lessee would be the option E and the less war would be the option or as they are given the option to purchase at a designated time