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Hi everyone, my name is Kevin. Today I want to show you how you can both get and use Microsoft Bookings. And as full disclosure before we jump into this, I work at Microsoft as a full-time employee. First off, what is Microsoft Bookings? Well, Microsoft Bookings allows customers to schedule time or appointments with small businesses. So, imagine that maybe youre a dentist, youre a piano teacher, youre a hairdresser, maybe youre a gym trainer. In all of those cases, you have customers who want to schedule time with you. So Bookings sets up a page where a customer can come in, they could choose a service that they want, they could choose the time when they want the service, and then Bookings will go ahead and schedule that appointment on behalf of the customer. And not only will it book the appointment, but then itll also remind the customer as the appointment gets closer via email and via text. And its not just limited to small businesses either. You