Time is a crucial resource that each enterprise treasures and attempts to convert into a benefit. When picking document management software, pay attention to a clutterless and user-friendly interface that empowers users. DocHub provides cutting-edge features to enhance your document managing and transforms your PDF editing into a matter of a single click. Insert Electronic Signature into the Catering Services Agreement with DocHub to save a lot of efforts and improve your efficiency.
Make PDF editing an easy and intuitive process that saves you a lot of valuable time. Effortlessly alter your documents and send them for signing without the need of switching to third-party alternatives. Concentrate on pertinent duties and increase your document managing with DocHub starting today.
Hi everyone, Kevin here. Today I want to show you how you can create your very own electronic signature that you could use to insert into documents. Lets say for instance, you have to sign a document. Well, today you could print out that document, then you could sign it, then you could scan it in again, and then you could send it off. But thats a lot of work. It wastes paper and you need to have a printer. I dont even have a printer. Today Im going to show you how you could create an electronic signature, two different ways. One of them is using your phone where you sign your signature on the phone, and then well bring that onto our PC, so itll be digital all the way. The second technique, were going to sign our name, take a high quality photo of it, and then well bring that into the PC. So, Ill show you those two different ways. Now, before we jumped into it, just a quick note on an electronic signature versus whats called a digital signature. An el